user warning: In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column 'rationalize.rtt.rttid'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by query: SELECT rtt.*, f.filepath, GROUP_CONCAT(rtp.nid) AS listnid FROM rt_taglines AS rtt LEFT JOIN rt_products AS rtp ON rtt.rttid = rtp.rttid LEFT JOIN files AS f ON rtt.fid = f.fid in /var/www/html/rationalize/sites/all/modules/rec_taglines/rec_taglines.module on line 108.

Barnacle from Galicia


The barnacle is a crustacean that grows on rocks beaten by the waves. For this reason it is one of the seafood that presents more difficulties at the time of its extraction, carried out by so-called percebeiros. The barnacle is fed by filtration, since, due to its lack of limbs, they remain immobile attached to the rocks all their adult life.

Method of preparation:

To heat water with salt (60 grs. Per liter) and wait for the water to boil. Introduce the barnacles and wait for the water to boil again. At this point hold a minute in the water and remove. Wait for them to be warm and consume.

Price per box. Each box contains 500 grs. of barnacles.

Price: 0,00€
Size: Small
Número de cajas:
Increment of 1 unit: