user warning: In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column 'rationalize.rtt.rttid'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by query: SELECT rtt.*, f.filepath, GROUP_CONCAT(rtp.nid) AS listnid FROM rt_taglines AS rtt LEFT JOIN rt_products AS rtp ON rtt.rttid = rtp.rttid LEFT JOIN files AS f ON rtt.fid = f.fid in /var/www/html/rationalize/sites/all/modules/rec_taglines/rec_taglines.module on line 108.

Versión 0.53

Allow your customers request a quotation for your products
Avoid that foreign clients pay VAT
Disable the quantity of elements to purchase allow your products
Upload an image for each option of your attributes that apply in all your products