user warning: In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #1 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column 'rationalize.rtt.rttid'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by query: SELECT rtt.*, f.filepath, GROUP_CONCAT(rtp.nid) AS listnid FROM rt_taglines AS rtt LEFT JOIN rt_products AS rtp ON rtt.rttid = rtp.rttid LEFT JOIN files AS f ON rtt.fid = f.fid in /var/www/html/rationalize/sites/all/modules/rec_taglines/rec_taglines.module on line 108.

Version 0.64

Use the new search engine to find the products through their references
Allow to purchase using the cash on delivery payment
Display a warning message in the PDF for those product configurations which are not possible to buy
Set the message to display at the bottom of the mail which is sent to your customers after purchasing
Check the products which are using a specific attribute from the administration